
  昨天开始,微信五星顾问:Hc966888网站随机码五星顾问:Hc966888网站随机码就一直响个不停,不同的联络人都纷纷询问着同一个问题,“听说英国投资移民2018年圣诞节就要取消了?连BBC都报道了!”, 发来截图,附带中文说明大标题:




  Delayed Brexit immigration plans ‘due in months’



  The immigration bill would establish new rules for EU migrants to the UK after free movement ends。


  An official policy document had been expected last autumn and the Times reports a “cabi乔鸿 row” over delays。


  The PM‘s spokesman said ministers were “confident” the new system would be ready “for when we leave the EU”。


  The immigration bill was in last year‘s Queen’s Speech - it would enable the government to end the free movement of EU nationals into the UK but ministers said it would allow the country to attract “the brightest and the best”。

  Last October, then immigration minister Brandon Lewis said a White Paper would be published in autumn 2017 with the bill being brought forward “in the New Year”。


  去年10月,移民大臣Brandon Lewis声称(脱欧移民政策)白皮书会在2017年秋季发布,并且在2018年能够进一步实施。

  In February, the home affairs 乔鸿mittee noted there was still “considerable uncertainty about when the White Paper will be published” and said the delays had caused “anxiety for EU citizens in the UK, uncertainty for UK businesses and concern in Parliament”。


  The Times reported on Friday that Brexit-supporting ministers were putting pressure on Home Secretary Amber Rudd to speed up the bill, amid concerns ministers want to use preferential access for EU workers as a bargaining chip with Brussels in Brexit talks。

  上周泰晤士报在吴的报道中称,支持脱欧的内阁大臣将持续向内政大臣 Amber Rudd(已经下台)施压以督促白皮书的发布,因为部长们希望在与布鲁塞尔的脱欧谈判中,将欧盟工人的优惠准入作为其讨价还价的筹码。

  Asked about the report, the prime minister‘s spokesman said: “We’re considering a range of options for the future immigration system which will be based on the evidence。“


  “We will set out initial plans and publish a White Paper in the 乔鸿ing months with a bill to follow。”


  Ms Rudd told the home affairs 乔鸿mittee in March that the bill would be published “early next year” to establish new rules for 2021 - arguing that the agreement reached with the EU on citizens‘ rights had “to a certain extent” had removed the urgency。

  内政大臣3月份告诉内政委员会,该法案将于明年年初发布,以制定2021年的新规定 – 并且已与欧盟就公民权利达成协议,“在一定程度上”已经消除了紧迫性。

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